My Reading Life – Edie Melson

By Edie Melson @EdieMelson

I’ve been a voracious reader for as long as I can remember. I came by the trait honestly. I grew up in a house that was covered up in full bookshelves and stacks of books. Both my parents loved to read.

When I was young, my family lived in Dallas and I had a reading tree in the back yard. Even on the hottest days of the year I could be found up in that tree with a book. Other kids used to pack toys for trips and vacations—I always had a bag of books. I haunted the library for new things to read.

And my most treasured Christmas presents each year were the books I got. I can still remember the mornings when I unwrapped Little Women, The Five Little Peppers and How They Grew, Swiss Family Robinson, and Around the World in 80 Days.

Join us as Edie Melson talks about her Eclectic & Eccentric Reading Life #Reading #ReadingCommunity #BRRC Click To Tweet

Oddly enough, I married a man who hated to read. At least he did when he married me—I have finally changed that and he loves to read almost as much as I do.

One of my favorite outings is still a bookstore. It can be full of new books or used books, it doesn’t matter to me. I can always find just one more book to bring home.

I said in the title that my reading habits are eccentric. I actually have several types of reading I do and I suspect I’m not the only one who does that. It makes sense because I have several reasons for reading.

Types of Reading & Books

I read for knowledge and inspiration: This includes everything from Bible studies and Christian living books to photography and writing books—and truthfully just about everything in between. I’m insanely curious, so if something peaks my interest, I’ll find a book about it.

I read for the pure joy of disappearing into another place and time: This is usually my fiction reading. And again, I’m incredibly eclectic in the books I read. I love Contemporary Fiction, Historical, Young Adult, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Romance, Cozy Mystery, etc. Because I have so many amazing author friends, this TBR pile stays well-stocked! The only type of fiction I don’t read is horror.

Under this type of reading, I also include poetry and essays. I enjoy both of these types of books and I have many of them on my shelves.

I read to escape my own mind: Like a lot of folks these days, I struggle some with anxiety and even depression. My mind can be frustrating place when my thoughts won’t stop spinning. This can be particularly difficult at night, when I’m trying to go to sleep.

My choice of books to alleviate this issue are old favorites. In the evenings and late at night, I’ll often pull out my favorite cozy mysteries written in the 70s and 80s or scifi and fantasy classics. I know the stories almost by heart and the words are as soothing as a cup of lavender tea. My favorite cozy authors in this category are Elizabeth Peters and Charlotte MacLeod (also writing as Alisa Craig). I’m currently reading Charlotte MacLeod’s Peter Shandy Series right now.

My scifi and fantasy favs include Anne McCaffrey, her dragon series is always one of my favorite. I also love David Eddings, and Isaac Asimov.

And even though they just fit the category of general fiction, I also love Rosamunde Pilcher and Lucy Laude Montgomery.

I’d love to know if I’m the only one with different types of reading as well as different types of books I like!


Edie Melson—author, blogger & speaker—is a woman of faith with ink-stained fingers who has been known to announce that she’s creative out of self-defense. Her passion is to help those who are struggling find the God-given strength they need to triumph through difficult circumstances. Visit her at

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