My Reading Life – Kelly Goshorn

Reading When I’m Busy

It’s wonderful to be back on the BRRC My Reading Life Blog. Last time I made a confession about my reading life that brought a collective gasp—I rarely find time for reading. There, I said it again. Judge me if you must, but I scarcely get more than one or two books read per month.

I’m hoping to redeem myself by sharing a few strategies I’ve learned for squeezing reading time into my busy schedule.

Read What You Love

Since I’m already in the proverbial doghouse for my confession, let me dig myself in deeper, take off my author cap, and speak to you as a fellow reader…first and foremost, read what you love. Pick the authors and genres that magically transport you into their story world and leave the rest behind. Don’t try to keep up with every new release. Give yourself permission to read your favorites and enjoy them.


I’m not one of those blessed folks who can read while in the car, train, or plane. I even had a neighbor who could read her Kindle while walking her dog. That would surely be a recipe for a twisted ankle if I attempted such a feat. However, I can listen to audiobooks while doing other tasks. When I first started listening to audiobooks, I was easily distractable and would miss parts of the story if I multi-tasked while enjoying my book. However, with practice, my listening ears have developed, and I can remain focused and enjoy smaller chunks of the story while running errands, cleaning the bathroom, or walking my pup. Hubby has even noticed that the house is a bit tidier since doing housework isn’t the chore it used to be.

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Incorporate Reading into Your Quiet Time

Now hear me out on this one. A few months ago, I was between Bible studies with my women’s group at church and I wanted to go a little deeper in my morning time with Jesus. I remembered a book I’d purchased years ago and hadn’t read (note this recurring theme in my life), A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 27. I decided each morning I’d read one chapter, look up the verses referenced, and delve deeper into the life of Biblical shepherding. Not only did I thoroughly enjoy the book, but I also gained a richer understanding of Psalm 27, David the Shepherd King, as well as the parables Jesus told about sheep.

Always Have a Book Handy

This one is probably a no-brainer, but I bet if it were possible to ask for a show of hands in a blog post many of you have been caught in an unexpected line or long wait in a doctor’s office with nothing to read (unless you count the physician’s subscription to Field & Stream). Precious reading time is lost while you scroll social media or play Candy Crush (I wouldn’t know anything about that). Be sure to keep some kind of reading material handy. Audiobooks and Bluetooth earbuds work perfectly in these scenarios. But if I haven’t persuaded you yet of the virtues of listening to books, try keeping a devotional book in your purse, an older Kindle and charger in your glovebox, or for the younger folks in the audience, download the Kindle app on your phone and scroll through those impossibly tiny words.

Don’t Read What You Don’t Love

Newsflash! You don’t have to finish a book you don’t love. Let me repeat that because it’s important—it’s okay to close a book you’re not enjoying and move on to another one. I’m sure my OCD reader friends are balking right now, but honestly, if a story hasn’t grabbed you by chapter five, it probably isn’t going to. Remember, every book isn’t for every reader. Give yourself permission to move on and read what you love!

Hopefully, one or more of my suggestions will help you fit some much-needed reading time into your schedule too. As for me, I’m off to walk Levi and enjoy The Warsaw Sisters by Amanda Barratt on audiobook.

If you have an idea for fitting more reading time into a busy schedule, I’d be grateful if you shared your thoughts in the comments below.

Meet Kelly Goshorn

Kelly Goshorn weaves her affinity for history and her passion for God into inspiring stories of love, faith, and family set in America’s vibrant past. Her debut novel, A Love Restored, won the Director’s Choice Award for Adult/YA fiction at the Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writers Conference in 2019 and earned recognition as both a Selah Award finalist in the Historical Romance category and as a Maggie Award Finalist for Inspirational Fiction.

She earned her B.A. in Social Studies Education from Messiah College and her M.Ed. in History from The Pennsylvania State University. Kelly is an active member of ACFW Virginia where she currently serves as the Conference Coordinator for the chapter’s popular virtual Royal Writers Conference.

Kelly has been enjoying her own happily-ever-after with her husband and best friend, Mike, for 33 years. When she is not writing, Kelly enjoys binge-watching BBC period dramas, board-gaming with family and friends, exploring historical sights, and spoiling her Welsh corgi, Levi.

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