My Reading Life – Michele Olson

Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written. John 21:25 (NIV)

How fun to connect with you on My Reading Life! My sporadic reading is pretty interesting right now because I’m knee-deep in all things Nancy Drew. Did you grow up reading the young sleuth and her many adventures? I’m working on my 5th Mackinac Island story and the title is Being Nancy (In a world lost in mystery), that’s why I’m delving so deep into all things Nancy! I’m re-reading the actual books along with the history of the series, which is very interesting and filled with mystery, too.

I read fiction and non-fiction, but far more non-fiction. I think it’s partly due to the fact you can put it down and pick it up much easier. When you’re lost in a novel, you’ll drop everything to keep going and get behind!

Michele Olson talks about Nancy Drew and lots more. Find out more with this week's edition of My Reading Life. #Reading #ReadingCommunity #BRRC Click To Tweet

I’m particularly drawn to books that include drawings, doodles, and sketchnoting as part of the creative process. I now own probably fifty books on the subject! I hope to branch out that way and combine the world of art and writing. I like the series from Skye Jethani which includes: What If Jesus Was Serious? which includes sketchnotes and doodles. I also highly recommend Unoffendable by Brant Hansen.

I enjoy reading screenplays by Nora Ephron who wrote the classics like You’ve Got Mail. Her type of quirky look at relationships is an inspiration to me when I’m writing the quirky characters in my stories.

My favorite thing to discover in a book is the wording of a concept or idea that makes my heart leap because I feel like the author who doesn’t know me perfectly expressed exactly what I was thinking. Especially if I had never articulated it that way.

I also like to read first and second novels from new Christian authors I’ve had the pleasure to connect with. We all came on the scene in the last few years and are on the same types of journeys to let people know we are here.

And I love to read comics! I subscribe to a comic site, so I don’t miss national comics. I had a lovely comment from one of my favorite national cartoonists on my art, and it made my day.

My greatest joy is to combine story, art, and mystery into new and exciting ways in Christian fiction. We worship the Creator with ultimate creativity, and the possibilities for spreading that joy is endless. Any other doodle, comic lovers out there excited to see what’s next?

Michèle Olson has an over-forty-year career in advertising and marketing as a writer and has also enjoyed a professional voice career including time as a DJ —yes, even when they still played records! It has always been her dream to segue into fiction and Being Ethel (In a world that loves Lucy), Being Dorothy (In a world longing for home), Being Alice (In a world lost in the looking glass), and Being Wendy (In a world afraid to grow up) are the “stand-alone” or “read-in-order” series based on Mackinac Island in Michigan in answer to that dream.  A wife, mom, a mother-in-love, and a “Gee Gee” (G as in good), Michèle resides with her husband in the shadow of Lambeau Field and loves this new vision to Fuel Faith with Fiction through Lake Girl Publishing, their creative imprint. She cherishes her salvation and taking readers to Mackinac Island with this trip filled with mystery, romance, friendship, and faith.

Learn more at Michele’s BRRC Profile page.

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