A Love of a Lifetime

A Love of a Lifetime

I first fell in love in the second grade. With a book. The story was a sad story of a little girl who learned her mother had cancer. I don’t recall the title, but the emotions evoked were so vivid. Yes, there was a time when this HEA reader/author craved stories with sad endings. I recall reading the books Reckless by Jeanette Mines Ryan and The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton until the pages started to fall out.


My love of print continued to grow. I remember going to the library and finding books in every genre. I would often leave with my arms piled high, almost too high to see over the stack I was carrying. I would often read multiple books at the same time. My reading would depend on my current mood. As I grew older, I began buying more books. I tend to re-read books. And when I’m in the time for a good story, but don’t have time to really read deep, I have been known to read/skim through my favorites. Which means I now have books all over my house. My husband would say I have a few too many. I say, “There’s no such thing as too many books!”

I have had to change my buying habits, however. I get all my category romances in ebook. On my iPad, I have Kindle, Nook and Glose apps so I can read whatever I want wherever I am. I’m busier than I was as a teen, so I don’t have the time to read like I used to. However, I do read every day, usually right before bed.

Best-selling author Dana R. Lynn opens up about how her love of reading began. Check out her story in My Best Reading Life. Click To Tweet

I still read multiple books at the same time. Right now, I am reading Living Lies by Natalie Walters, You Can Drop It by Ilana Muhlstein, In League with Mr. Darcy by Laura Hile. While I am writing, I have a variety of craft books I read or look through.

I am always on the lookout for new authors. I read suspense, romantic suspense, some thrillers, contemporary and historical romance, women’s fiction, regency, fantasy and science fiction, along with the occasional young adult. I also enjoy reading spiritual books. I like my books to be clean or sweet level.

I love connecting with readers. I can be reached at www.danarlynn.com. I share my writing news every month in a newsletter, so you can sign up on my website.


Dana R. Lynn

Dana R. Lynn is a USA Today bestselling author who believes in the power of God to touch people through stories. She is a teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing by day and writes stories of romance and danger at night. Dana is a Selah Award winner, a Holt Medallion Finalist, and a New England Reader’s Choice Award winner. She is represented by Tamela Hancock Murray of the Steve Laube Agency.

You can find out more about Dana at her BRRC author page.

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