Pages of My Life – Debb Hackett

Pages of My Life

When Heather, Darlene and I came up with the revamp for our weekly blog, The Pages of My Life, seemed a lot less intimidating. Now I need to write one, I’m a little daunted. So be kind, okay?

I’m not published in fiction yet, but have always loved stories. Hearing them read to me, watching them on tv and reading them for myself. I credit my mum and grandma for instilling that love of the written page in me and will be eternally grateful for that gift. As a child I made up back stories for my dolls, and when the teen years rolled around I wrote a very bad book about a girl who used a warp drive to travel through time. Very bad.

But then the real world came calling and post-college, I needed a job. For the next twenty or so years, I loved telling true stories as a radio news journalist and presenter. I’m the one in the writing class everyone else dislikes because back cover copy and taglines is my jam. Telling a story in 90,000 words though? That’s a tall order. When my now 16 year old was an infant, that voice that had always beckoned me to write happy endings got much louder, and I began creative writing classes.

Fast forward a few more years and after moving to VA (I’m British), God orchestrated an astonishing thing. I became acquainted with, then friends with and mentored by Dani Pettrey. Up until then, one of my favorite authors. That sounds bad. She still is one of my favorites, but she’s so much more than that now. Most valuably, a prayer partner. But I digress.

That friendship nudged me into ACFW, the Christian fiction organization. Suddenly, I was immersed in writing for a publication. I’ve always loved reading family based series (Baxters, O’Malleys, Porters) and so I have created something I hope you’ll be able to read one day. I’ve called the series  Elements of Love, about the Drake family. Paige, her twin brothers Matt and Scott, and their little sister, Maggie. Book one features an FA-18 pilot. He’s not based on my husband, but I did pull a few of his personality traits in. Any TopGun fans here? Do you enjoy reading military characters? My hubby was also one of my technical advisors (he’s a fighter pilot).

In book two, Scott Drake is a thorough bad boy but then after a terrible accident, meets Jesus and spends the rest of the book navigating life after being washed clean. This includes dating. Scott was a LOT of fun to write. Do you like stories that showcase the power of redemption?

In the middle of all this. we moved back to England and I started working for the Blue Ridge Christian Mountains Christian Writer’s Conference, helping create and run BRRC. We really hope you love getting to know our authors a little better.

Settled in England, that fighter pilot story finaled in a big contest and won another. Then I signed with an agent – the amazing Tamela, who also reps some of my favorite authors, including fellow BRRC admin Darlene. She wanted me to write something different. So, final question – who likes stories set in different locations? Featuring dogs? I’m working on a new series set in Alaska. The challenge was tough but has stretched and grown me as a writer. My goal and purpose is to write stories that glorify God and pull people closer to him and I hope and pray one day the stories I’m trusted with encourage you. Thanks for joining me today.

From fact to fiction, check out @debbhackett and her story on this week's Pages of My Life Share on X

Debb & Willy

If that’s not enough about me, you’re welcome to visit my BRRC author page.

I’d love if you’d join my newsletter community as I try to build that ahead of publication.

And enjoy more Pages of My Life, here.


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    The Conversation

  1. Yvonne Morgan says:

    Wonderful to learn more about you Debb. Thanks for sharing and all you do for Blue Ridge