What I’m Reading

by Elizabeth Goddard @bethgoddard

When Debb invited me to write this blog post, I jumped at the opportunity. Who doesn’t want to share about their love of books? I’ve always been an avid reader and started my love affair with books at an early age, thanks to my mom who also loved to read and set that example for me.

I spent my summers reading and re-reading my favorite books! Even then, I read widely. My first full-length “grown-up” novels (at around age 10) were The Good Earth and 2001 A Space Odyssey. A historical novel and a science fiction novel! My favorite stories were those written by Phyllis a Whitney and Victoria Holt—historical or gothic romance novels. Loved them. 

Have you ever wondered what your favorite authors are reading? Today Elizabeth Goddard lets us know. #BRRC #Reading #ReadingCommunity Share on X

Today my reading habits haven’t strayed far, but since I’ve become a professional writer, I can’t spend my entire summers reading and re-reading my favorites. In fact, for a few years I couldn’t find time to read for pleasure at all, but I’ve since learned to make the time. 

After all, why should my favorite pastime lead to a creative career that then prevents me from enjoying said pastime? The point is that I have a lot less free reading time on my hands, but believe me, I make good use of it.

I start my day out reading a devotional on Bible.com from one of their “Plans” and then discuss it with others who’re in the group. Then I move right to the work of writing, which includes all kinds of reading to go with writing. Ha! When I’m done with the writing workday—which could be anywhere from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. or later, I sit in my comfy recliner, and I read. 

My new “must-have” snack to go with reading? Outshine Popsicles. They’re low calorie and I love to eat them while I’m deep in another world. Hey—it’s better than popcorn or M&M’s! My only struggle comes when we’re out of popsicles. I must have one while reading. I know, I’m a creature of habit but this makes for a super enjoyable reading experience. 

 I read (for pleasure) anywhere from half an hour to several hours, whatever time I have left in the day before bed. 

Every day. 

Decades ago, I mostly read historical romances, and especially loved all Bodie Thoene’s work, but as God directed my writing toward contemporary romantic suspense, I began reading more in that genre. These days, I read most all Revell and Bethany House romantic suspense authors, and many of those books for endorsement. I love a lot of general market writers as well like Lisa Gardner and Christina Dodd. 

I try to slip in a historical romance now and then. I recently finished reading Shannon McNear’s Mary: Daughters of the Lost Colony book #2 (pre-release). Nobody writes authentic history better than Shannon! I also love Michele Griep’s historical romantic suspense. These authors are new fresh voices in the genre.

Since I also love fantasy and science fiction, I’m a diehard fan of both Ronie Kendig and Sharon Hinck. I read everything they write. When it releases! Okay, sure, I need to finish the book I’m currently reading first but then I jump right on the new release. Oh! I almost forgot– I love time travel novels! I gobbled up David James Warren’s True Lies of Rembrandt Stone and Jody Hedlund’s new time travel series.

I also love thrillers so when someone suggested a new book by David Baldacci about a lone FBI agent, I discovered that four books were included in the series, so I started on book 1 (Long Road to Mercy) and read all four last month.

Another favorite thriller writer is James Rollins. He combines science with history, and I love his creative mind. This week I started reading The Last Odyssey, which released in 2020. I’ve spent years reading his Sigma Force series of 16 or more books, catching up with the newest tome (Yes, he writes long books. So does Baldacci in fact.), but I read them fast and they keep me entertained for many evenings. I listened to at least two of Rollins’ novels via audible.com during which time I knitted a blanket for my mother! He has a new one releasing this year, and then I’ll be all caught up. Oh, no! He can’t write them fast enough for me. Do you find that’s an issue when one of your favorite authors won’t have another book out until next year?  

I used to prefer print books, but I’ve come to love my eBook devices. I have now shifted from my Kindle Paperwhite to my iPad. I find that getting the right lighting with a print book can be a problem easily solved with an eBook with backlighting. Plus, as you know, we can carry all our books with us anywhere we go so when we get a moment, we can read—or even purchase another book right then and there and start no matter where we are. 

When I finish a book then I have a problem because that means it’s time to decide what to read next, that is, when one of my favorites isn’t waiting for me on my device. When I’m finished with The Last Odyssey, I have a few choices waiting for me—Driving Force by Lynette Eason and debut author Kate Angelo, or The Deadly Shallows by Dani Pettrey, or something by my favorite romantic suspense authors, Susan Sleeman or Lisa Harris. (I’m caught up on Lynn H. Blackburn, Natalie Walters and Patricia Bradley!)  

So many choices and too little time!


Elizabeth Goddard is the USA Today bestselling and award-winning author of more than fifty novels, including Present Danger and the Uncommon Justice series. Her books have sold over one million copies. She is a Carol Award winner and a Daphne du Maurier Award finalist. When she’s not writing, she loves spending time with her family, traveling to find inspiration for her next book, and serving with her husband in ministry.

Connect with Elizabeth on her BRRC author page.

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    The Conversation

  1. Toni Stevens says:

    This was a great post. I too really liked Phyllis Whitney and Victoria Holt. Glad you have made time to do what you enjoy…reading. And audible is the best for getting something else’s done at same time. I’ve always got my earbuds in when working around the house or like you doing a craft. You mentioned a couple of new names I’ll have to check out. Thanks.

  2. Sara Davison says:

    So interesting to hear about your reading habits, Elizabeth – thanks for sharing! I’ve got a few new ones to add to my towering TBR pile now 🙂

  3. Vee says:

    On trips I would always run out of paper books before Kindle came on the scene. I would scout the airports book stores between connecting flights to find a decent book to fill my flight time. Now, I always have hundreds of books already in my Kindle library to pick from.

  4. Mark says:

    Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.