Step aside, Long John Silver. There is a new pirate in town. It seems like overnight the world of literary piracy has exploded onto the scene. Just last week, the Atlantic revealed that Meta used p [ Read More ]
I’m not one of those authors who always wanted to be a writer. As a child, I was way too active. What is today known as ADHD, back then I was called incorrigible—the kid who was always in the p [ Read More ]
A Day in the Life of an Author’s Pet Hello, I’m Levi. I’m a twelve-year-old male Pembroke Welsh corgi. I live with my family in a small town called Purcellville, Virginia, in the foothills of [ Read More ]
Helena Smrcek I love Christmas. And by that, I mean the Christmas music, the baking and cooking, present wrapping, the whole entire shebang. But one of my favorite things is decorating our Christma [ Read More ]
I Wish You a Bookish Christmas by Penny Frost McGinnis In December, like many of you, I tend to read Christmas books. Since I was a child and heard the stories about St. Nicholas, I’ve been fasci [ Read More ]
by @HelenaSmrcek Here comes a confession. I grew up hating reading. Ironic as it may sound, coming from an author, I had a good reason for it. Although never formally diagnosed, I had a mild form [ Read More ]
Have you ever read a story and imagined that you could BE a particular character? When I was a kid, I literally wore out a set of Little House on the Prairie books. I read the covers right off of t [ Read More ]
By Maryann Landers My husband and I are traveling north from southern Utah to our home in Alaska in a forty foot bus conversion. This grand adventure will take us through Idaho, Montana and up into [ Read More ]
by Kelly Goshorn In my last My Reading Life post, I confessed that my busy schedule precludes me from reading as many books as I’d like and that audiobooks allowed me to fit reading into my day. [ Read More ]
Do books make you laugh? Cry? Fear for a heroine’s safety? Yell at the hero to watch out? If you’ve felt any of those or other emotions while reading fiction, you’re not alone. Fiction has th [ Read More ]