My Reading Life – Reader Takeover

We decided to do something a little different today. Since the blog started you’ve been hearing stories from all of our BRRC authors about their reading lives.

Now it’s your turn!

Today on My Reading Life we are letting you, our readers, take our the blog. Share on X

In the comments below tell us something about your reading life.

Can’t think of anything to share? Here are some ideas, choose one question below and share your answer.

When did you become a book worm?

What is the first book you remember reading?

How may books are in your TBR pile (be honest. lol.)

What is your favorite genre?

Who is your favorite author?

Where so you like to read?

If it’s about your reading life we want to know!


The Conversation

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    The Conversation

  1. Debb H says:

    The first book I recall reading is Are You My Mother. I became a bookworm back as far as my
    memory goes. And my tbr? Who knows. A lot.

  2. Dar says:

    Mrs Ray, my first grade teacher, gifted me the love of reading. She would come to our house in an effort to try to help him promote to second grade. That component did not work. However, I was nosy, she was not annoyed but pleasantly surprised, and sat me down to teach me how to read. I was fortunate to have her for first grade, she did not hold me back from progressing with my reading skills to which I fell in love with reading. My first book was See Dick Run. I progressed to Nancy Drew and fell in love with mysteries. As I got older, my favorite author was Mary Higgins Clark. I read all her books as well as her daughters, Carol Higgins Clark. I actually was able to meet them in person at a book signing in Jacksonville Fl. I graduated to John Sanford, Karin Slaughter, and Steve Berry (fortunate to meet Karin once and Steve multiple times due to being leader of book club and working book conferences. I focus a lot at the present time on true crime and police procedural true crime. Basically any well-written law enforcement book ā€” fiction or nonfiction ā€” I will read. I do read other books, but cannot do way-out Scij-Fi or horror. Growing up, my favorite reading spot was up in the poinciana tree. It had the perfect setup of limbs to sit in the middle of the tree comfortably! I would read for hours up there in the shade!