My Reading Life – Penny Frost McGinnis

I Wish You a Bookish Christmas by Penny Frost McGinnis

In December, like many of you, I tend to read Christmas books. Since I was a child and heard the stories about St. Nicholas, I’ve been fascinated with all the tales developed over the years about this jolly soul. St. Nicholas, the bishop of Myra, gave gifts to folks in need. He honored God with his giving and remained humble. 

Join us today on My Reading Life while author Penny Frost McGinnis tells us all about her Christmas reading life #reading #readingcommunity Share on X

When my children were young, I read them a story from an Ideals magazine about St. Nicholas and his gift giving. I allowed them to believe in Santa Claus but tied his kind spirit in with the true reason for the season—the birth of Jesus.

My children are grown now, but over the years I’ve discovered some wonderful stories of old St. Nick. Jeff Guinn has written The Autobiography of Santa Claus, How Mrs. Claus Saved Christmas, and The Great Santa Search. All are wonderful stories filled with legend, geography, and entertainment. 

Young Claus: The Legend of the Boy Who Became Santa by J. Michael Sims holds a special place in my heart. My brother and I shared this book as adults. I introduced him to it when I worked in the library, and he in turn bought me a copy. I read it almost every year. Preparing to write this post, I pulled my copy off the shelf and read the inscription. What a joy to see my brother’s handwriting. He has dementia now and may or may not remember the book, but I plan to take it when I visit and read a bit to him. 

Other books on my Christmas reading list include Melody Carlson’s holiday stories. She writes one each year, and they’re always a joy. I’ll read a few cozy mystery Christmas books, and I’m looking forward to reading I’ll Be Home (a contemporary Christmas story collection) by Sara Davison, Darlene L. Turner, Helena Smrcek, and Melanie Stevenson.

One of my favorite reads happens on Christmas evening with the family gathered around. I share the story of Jesus’ birth. We’ve held this tradition for more than forty years, and in the last several years I’ve read from The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones and illustrated by Jago. 

For me, books and Christmas go together like a horse and sleigh. I hope you have a wonderful holiday and enjoy all the stories that come your way.

I’d love to hear what Christmas books you enjoy.

Meet Penny

Penny Frost McGinnis, author of the Abbott Island series and picture book, Betsy and/y Bailey:
No One Will be Just Like You would live in a lighthouse, if she could. Instead, she and her
husband are content to live in southwest Ohio and visit Lake Erie every chance they get. She
adores her family and dog, indulges in dark chocolate, enjoys fiber arts, and baseball. Her life’s
goal is to encourage and uplift through her writing.

Find out more via her author profile or website.

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    The Conversation

  1. Kathy Bailey says:

    Penny, I love a Christmas story, be it a cozy mystery, a romance or a children’s book. Every human emotion is magnified at Christmas, whether or not one is a believer.
    I love the story about your brother and the book. What a treasure.

    • Penny McGinnis says:

      Thank you, Kathy. I did take the book to my brother and ended up reading all 100 pages to him. It was such a blessing.