My Reading Life – Karen Ferguson

by Karen Ferguson

I have a confession that may be surprising for this wonderful community of book lovers. I am a fickle reader. If a fiction book doesn’t captivate me in the first ten pages, I’m done.


I’m much more forgiving with non-fiction these days. I tend to read more than one of those at a time. Devotionals and spiritual growth topics are my favorite right now.


Perhaps it’s the fact that I’m not a fast reader. Growing up I thought I was, but when I see adult readers post about the 3-4 books they read a month, I realize I’m not.

While I’ve always been a voracious reader, and continue to add books to my TBR shelf, it takes me a while to get through each one. Is it our sound-bite, technology saturated, distraction heavy culture that’s causing this? Perhaps.

#Join Karen Ferguson as she tells us about her reading life. #BRRC #Reading #Readinglife Share on X

All I know is in this season, I must read in small chunks of time. I no longer read for hours at a time like when I was young. There are too many other things on my adult-to-do list I suppose.


I look back fondly on the seasons when I read more fiction, and I won’t give up on my quest to read more of it. It might take me longer than it used to but as a writer I know, if not for the pure joy of it then for the fact that reading fiction helps grow my writing skills, I must do it. As William Faulkner said, “Read, read, read. Read everything.”


Right now, I’m working through the Rise of the Fallen book by Chuck Black, part of the Wars of the Realm series. It’s a fictional account of the angels of heaven and their interactions with humanity. I’m halfway through this one and it’s a great read. While the author takes quite a bit of literary freedom in this story, it is intended to open readers’ eyes to the realities of spiritual warfare, and from what I’ve read it certainly does, and in a captivating way. I’ve yet to see anything that contradicts God’s Word in this story, and I find the reader’s guide helpful in deciphering what is scriptural and what is the imagination of the author.


No matter how fickle of a reader I’ve become, I will continue to add fiction books to my TBR collection. What can I say – I love books. The sight and smell of a paperback sends a thrilling shiver of nostalgia up my spine that is unlike any other. So, I’ll continue to add them to my library, knowing that in the right season I will read them.


How about you: Are you a fickle reader? And how many books do you read in a month?


Karen Ferguson is a freelance writer and the author of the Questions for Kids picture book series. A lover of words, family, animals, and Jesus, Karen is a passionate advocate for truth that transforms lives. Her faith in God and background in K-8 education inspires her mission to write stories that grab and hold young readers’ attentions, teaching them all about God’s unchangeable truths and His unchanging love for them. You can follow Karen on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and sign up for her free newsletter to be the first to know about special events, book updates, freebies and giveaways.

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