My Reading Life

This blog seemed like a good idea, but now it feels like I’m confessing to being weird. Because truthfully, I read a ridiculous amount and variety. I read when I get up, I build in different pockets of time to read throughout the day, and I read when I get into bed. I have a double papasan chair overlooking French doors to our garden, and that’s my favorite spot. Ideally with coffee and a fluffy blanket.

Right now, I’m working through the book of James first thing in the morning. Then I turn to devotions, and right now that’s Hope for the Weary Mom by Brooke McGlothlin and Stacey Thacker. Other favorites are My Utmost For His Highest by Oswald Chambers, and The One Year Women’s Friendship Devotional by Cheri Fuller (or really any devotional by Cheri Fuller). Then for personal study I’m reading Discipleship on the Edge by Darrell Johnson as our church is midway through the book of Revelation, and my older daughter and I are working through the Proverbs 31 study Seamless by Angie Smith, to strengthen our scriptural knowledge and understanding.

Devotions complete, I turn to writing and before opening my laptop, I study the craft. I’m currently reading Save the Cat Writes a Novel, by Jessica Brody. Most writers will tell you that craft books either resonate or don’t, quite quickly. Kristi Ann Hunter suggested this book to me, and it just makes sense to the way my writing brain works. So, I try to read ten pages before I open my laptop for the day. And being able to pick Kristi’s brain if I need help makes studying more fun.

In terms of fiction, I just finished Path of Totality by our very own Heather Kreke, and for a change of pace, Anything But Plain, by Suzanne Woods Fisher. I’m listening to Whose Waves These Are by Amanda Dykes on longer drives, and while out running errands, Once Upon A Royal Christmas by Teri Wilson. I’m also reading a Love Inspired book called The Lawman’s Yuletide Baby by my friend Ruth Logan Herne. I’m hoping to one day write for Love Inspired so am reading as many of their books as I can, to get a feel for their style. Plus, I love Ruth and her writing.

And finally, because I’m writing a series in Alaska, I’m reading several books set there. Firstly, the Alaskan Courage series by Dani Pettrey. Dani is my writing mentor and I’m very familiar with these stories, but haven’t read them in several years, so it’s a joy to have a great reason to reread them while legitimately claiming that it’s work. Then because I have a character who’s a retired dog sled racer, I’m looking at Tales of the Trail and Race Across Alaska.

I love books. I like the feel of turning the page in my hand, but am always entertained by flicking the page on my Kindle app. And I adore listening to a book. So, there’s always one playing on a journey, even if it’s only five minutes down the road. And when I go running – no, not music thank you. I run while listening to a great book. There aren’t many people who can claim to have gone running with DiAnn Mills and Becky Wade, but I can!

By Debb Hackett @debb_hackett

Writer, broadcaster and speaker Debb Hackett has been a radio journalist for more than twenty years. Married to a Royal Air Force test pilot, Debb has written a Bible study for military wives.

A regular contributor to the Advanced Writers and Speakers Devotional Arise Daily, she’s also been privileged to writer chapters for Write Well Sell Well. For now, based near London, England she’s having lots of fun working on a contemporary romance series and was an ACFW Genesis award finalist in 2020.

When she’s not writing, Debb can be found leading worship, playing bass or skiing. If you can swing by her house while she’s making scones, that would also be a win.

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1 Comment

    The Conversation

  1. Kathy watson swift says:

    You are amazing! Thank you for being who you are and pouring out first for the Lord and then for others. Your blog inspires and encourages me to go forward with my writing. All things are possible with him!!!!