My Canadian Reading Life, by Debb Hackett

My Canadian Reading Life


Welcome to a special edition blog post, called My Canadian Reading Life. As we celebrate Canada Day today, I thought it apt to take a minute and think about some of the Canadian contribution to literature.

For me, as I suspect many, L.M. Montgomery was one of my top choices as a child. I remember my second grade teacher reading to us from Anne of Green Gables. Oh how I hung on every word. Then as a young adult I was thrilled when the TV shows came out. To this day I will rewatch the wonderful tale of the little orphan with the bright red hair.

Join us in celebrating Canada Day as Debb Hackett talks about her reading life. #reading #readinglife Share on X

Now, as an avid reader and writer of Christian fiction, I have the utmost respect and gratitude for Janette Oke. One is  the author of such remarkable series as When Calls the Heart and Love Comes Softly (and many others). I’m not underselling her work when I say she changed the landscape for Christian readers, being one of the trailblazers who saw our genre come into being.

But these two aren’t Canada’s only literary giants. While not Christian fiction authors, the impact of Margaret Atwood (The Handmaid’s Tale) and Yann Martell (The Life of Pi) is unmistakable.


Here at the BRRC we have several notable writers who hail from ‘north of the border.’ I’m thinking of Darlene L. Turner (I’ve read everything she’s published), Sara Davison (who wins so many awards) and new to us author, Helena Smrcek (can’t wait to get to know her work too). We are blessed.

Do you have a favorite Canadian author or story set in Canada?



Debb Hackett

Debb Hackett is a military wife, mom to two teenagers and writes contemporary romances. She lives just outside London, England with husband Willy who is an RAF test pilot. Debb’s was a finalist in ACFW’s Genesis Awards and a double winner of the BRMCWC Foundation Awards. In her spare time, Debb plays on her worship team, runs a ministry to officer cadets at the Royal Military Academy and loves to bake. You can learn more at her BRRC profile page.





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1 Comment

    The Conversation

  1. Debbie Williams says:

    I didn’t realize some of these authors are our northern neighbors. Wow! So many outstanding writers! Thank you for sharing this with us!

    When second son was in Grammar school, the classroom sections were divided into continents. Those continents into countries. His classroom was Canada. He is 44 now and can still sing “Oh, Canada”. We can too!!