Lyneta Smith
Visit Lyneta's websiteLyneta Smith edits and writes from her home in Middle Tennessee, where she and her husband live as happy empty nesters. She’s the author of the multiple-award-winning Curtain Call: A Memoir and hundreds of other articles and stories in anthologies, devotionals, and magazines. She earned a professional editing certificate from Berkeley in 2023 and loves to help her clients develop excellent books. When she’s not working, she’s happily catering to her grandchildren’s every whim or mentoring and teaching in her local church.

Curtain Call
I thought I was having a breakdown; turns out, it was a breakthrough. In 2014, I wanted out of my story. I didn’t want to be on this earth anymore. Bombarded by uninvited memories of childhood trauma, I questioned why God would allow so many horrible things to happen to me. When God interrupted my pleas for help with a simple question—“Will you trust Me with your story?”—I agreed to step out of my stage-perfect Christian life and into the journey toward healing and finally seeing Him as a good, loving God.
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