Pages of My Life – Jessie Mattis

“How do you possibly find time to write?” If I had a dollar for each time I’ve heard this question, I just might be able to buy that under-the-desk walking pad I’ve had my eye on. When people find out I homeschool my three kids (ages 16, 14, and 12) and shuttle them around to their various sports and events, this is the first question that rolls off their lips. In an age where moms are often known for their immensely busy schedules, their confusion is understandable, but there’s something I want them to know.
We make time for our priorities.
Sure, some people with exceptional circumstances truly don’t have time to devote to anything beyond financial or physical survival, but the average adult has more time than they might think.
If I give my time over to God, I always find room to write, although it is far from full time. It boils down to choices. I can leave the TV off and log out of social media. I can utilize that twenty-minute gap after lunch. I can politely opt out of this or that weekly group. I can get up earlier (ha!) or stay up later (yes!).
Sometimes finding writing space means living in a dirty-but-not-too-dirty house. Sometimes it means buying convenience foods to save time. I must be deliberate to give my writing the focus it requires, so I prioritize it, otherwise that time would easily be taken over by other things.
Why would anyone go to such lengths, you ask? As I currently work on revising one of my Vietnam-era manuscripts according to a potentially-interested publisher’s suggestions, I am reminded what greater purposes are entwined in my writing. Writing Christian fiction is a means of ministry, reaching people for Jesus in a way that will (hopefully) soak into their very bones and spirit.
I partner with God on this mission each day when I sit down to my keyboard. Writing is a passion, but publishing is a business, which requires both creative space and time to learn the business side. Time which I must prioritize or watch it fizzle away.
As a busy mom, my writing time ebbs and flows throughout the year, but I’ve learned to embrace this pattern. A rigid schedule just isn’t an option at this point in my life…nor would I want it to be. I enjoy the freedom to shut the laptop when one of my kids has something to show me or something to chat about. I enjoy the freedom to have a movie night with my husband instead of keeping my eyes glued to the laptop screen all evening.
My primary calling right now is to pour into my children’s lives as they grow into young adults, but as long as God keeps helping me find time to devote to writing, I will gladly follow his lead.
And I truly believe, whatever you’re feeling God pull you towards, he’ll help you find time to manage it. Prayerfully dig into your calling…and priorities…and give it over to God each new day so he can shape your efforts. He won’t let you down.
Jessie Mattis is a Jesus-loving wife, homeschooling mom, and award-winning author. Her debut middle grade novel, Power Up, won the Christian Indie Award and was a Selah Award finalist.
To learn more about Jessie, visit her BRRC profile page or check out her website
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