My Reading Life – Christina Sinisi

Before writing this post, I browsed through past blogs in this vein. Three years ago, I introduced myself to Blue Ridge Readers. Two years ago, I wrote in detail about growing up in the mountains of Virginia with a family of non-readers. Now, I’m going to write about my current reading life.

This year, I turned sixty. Not that you asked but crossing that milestone has me thinking about life-long goals. Some of these goals are a surprise even to me. As a young girl, I sort of absconded with my mother’s collected work of Shakespeare. I had checked off maybe a third of the plays, but now I see some kind of future deadline—the Lord only knows when he will call each of us home, but I hope to have read all of his plays within the next few years.

I find I love listening to Shakespeare audio books—which are really dramatized plays, so I’ve been listening to one play, then a fun read (aka romance for me), and then another play. I’ve listened to 8 so far this year.

Join us as Christina Sinisi tells us about what she's reading #BRRC #Reading #Readinglife Share on X

On the other hand, I’ve been indulging my desire for series. Earlier this year, I read every Becky Wade book I could get my hands on. Just a few weeks ago, I read six books by Cami Checketts. A little further back, I read a series by Janet Ferguson.

Sprinkled among the Shakespeare and the romance are works by my all-time favorite author, C. S. Lewis. I keep searching for his writings that I’ve missed—and keep finding more. The man was so prolific, and such an inspiration. But don’t tell anyone, I have gotten stuck on That Hideous Strength.

So, I wish to end with a challenge—which series do you love? And is there a book by your favorite author that you’re not a fan of? I won’t tell. Have you set any goals for your reading? I have lots of questions!

Again, thank you to every writer for your hard work and effort—reading is one of the greatest joys in my life and I couldn’t travel so many worlds and live so many lives without you!!

Meet Christina

Christina Sinisi is a member of the American Christian Fiction Writers and a charter member of the Lowcountry South Carolina chapter of ACFW. Christina Sinisi writes stories about families, both the broken and blessed. Her works include a semi-finalist in the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Contest and the American Title IV Contest in which she appeared in the top ten in the Romantic Times magazine. Her published books include The Christmas Confusion and the upcoming Sweet Summer, the first two books in the Summer Creek Series, as well as Christmas On Ocracoke. By day, she is a psychology professor and lives in the Lowcountry of South Carolina with her husband and two children and cat Chessie Mae.

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