My Reading Life – DiAnn Mills

Reading Habits from Wee Girl to Mature Girl

I’ve read from the time I learned the alphabet and strung letters together to form words. “Daddy, what does S T O P spell?” Then came sentences. And paragraphs. And I discovered new worlds within the pages of a book. Dick and Jane, The Bobbsey Twins, The Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, Tales of Narnia, and on to the latest book from Steven James.

My reading habits haven’t changed much over the—never mind the years. Each adventure that exploded onto the page, led me to the next and the next. I read so many authors. Anytime. Anywhere. DiAnn Mills spills the beans on her reading habits on today's My Reading Life. Share on X

Who? I read so many authors. Some of my current favorites are David Baldacci, Jerry Jenkins, Hank Phillippi Ryan, Tosca Lee, and Steven James.

What? My go-to reading genre is romantic suspense. But then . . . everything. I like reading bestsellers to find out why they received that coveted position. 😊 I also enjoy dystopian, fantasy, history, YA, and a solid character-driven contemporary.

Where and When? Anywhere. Anytime.

I read at stop lights.

I read while dinner is cooking.

I read in the car—husband is driving.

I read on the treadmill.

I read on the elliptical.

I read on the stationary bike.

I read in any doctor/dentist office.

I read in the grocery store line.

I read in the post office line.

I read before going to bed, although that seldom makes me sleepy. It does offer incredible dreams.

I read while my husband is watching TV. He appreciates me being in the same room.

Why? Now that is a ridiculous question, like why do I breathe? I read for entertainment, inspiration, encouragement, spiritual growth, research for my own writing, and education for various area of interest. Just give me a reason, and I’ll read!

How? Stepping into a bookstore and inhaling the sweet fragrance of words will always fill me with incredible pleasure. Add a briming cup of dark roast coffee, and I have a one-woman party. Did I mention the stack of to-be-read books all over my office. But, readers, I am passionate about my Kindle. New adventures beckon me within this amazing digital app, Hundreds and hundreds of books await my attention. With my Kindle App, I never run out of things to read.

Reading habits usually begin when we are kids. Most of us were fortunate to have parents, teachers, and respected others who pointed out the value of reading. That’s where my love of reading began. But the origination isn’t important. What matters is reading now, filling our minds with all our world offers.

DiAnn Mills is a bestselling author who believes her readers should expect an adventure. She weaves memorable characters with unpredictable plots to create action-packed, suspense-filled novels. DiAnn believes every breath of life is someone’s story, so why not capture those moments and create a thrilling adventure?

Her titles have appeared on the CBA and ECPA bestseller lists; won two Christy Awards, the Golden Scroll, Inspirational Readers’ Choice, and Carol award contests.

DiAnn is a founding board member of the American Christian Fiction Writers, an active member of the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers, Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, Mystery Writers of America, the Jerry Jenkins Writers Guild, Sisters in Crime, and International Thriller Writers.

DiAnn has been termed a coffee snob and roasts her own coffee beans. She’s an avid reader, loves to cook, and believes her grandchildren are the smartest kids in the universe. She and her husband live in sunny Houston, Texas.

DiAnn is very active online and would love to connect with readers via all the links on her BRRC author page.

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