My Reading Life, by Heather Greer

For Such a Time as This

I love a good contemporary romance story. I don’t care if it’s a trope I’ve read a hundred times before, if the characters grab my attention and the plot is solid, I’m going to read it.

I love a good historical romance too. Fictional characters blend with real events and people to tell a new story. I get a taste of life in others times and places, while enjoying the story.

Of course, I’m up for a great speculative fiction story too. Dystopian, fantasy, steampunk, fairy tale. It doesn’t matter. Once the characters and plot take hold, I’m sold.

Like choosing a great dessert, I make my selections based on how I feel on a particular day. Lately, I’ve read more contemporary romance than anything else. With one exception I’m particularly excited about.

Last year, one of my favorite books was Madness in Wonderland by Tabitha Bouldin. Steampunk meets Alice in Wonderland meets Frankenstein. The story is unique and pay homage to the original works in a seamless way. And Hatter. I couldn’t get enough of Hatter.

Imagine my joy (and impatience) when I heard a sequel would release in March 2023. I know it takes time to write. As an author, I understand why. But as a reader, it definitely doesn’t help me wait with grace. I pre-ordered my copy long before the release date. Now that I have it, Lost in Wonderland calls to me from my tablet every chance it gets.

Due to a family emergency and some temporary healthcare duties, I’m not flying through the story like I imagined I would. On one hand, it allows me to stretch out the reading over a longer period of time. On the other hand, I know in my head, it’s not really lengthening the story, just taking me longer to get through it.

There is one thing I cannot deny. The story came at just the right time for me. With the added duties and stresses of my current situation, I need a story that’s a bit fantastical. I need whimsy and fun. If there’s some drama and romance, that’s good too. But the heavy realities of life are real enough right now without reading about them too.

So far, Lost in Wonderland has the drama and excitement needed for a great story and all characters I fell in love with in the first book. And for those who are curious, yes, I adore Hatter just as much in this one as I did when I first met him. But traditional story elements aside, it also contains a large helping of the whimsy and the fantastical that I currently need. It adds a lightness to even the most dramatic scenes. The dire straits the characters find themselves in don’t weigh as heavy on my mind and emotions because of the balance the author creates.

'Once the characters and plot take hold, I’m sold.' Heather Greer tells us all about what she's reading. #BRRC #reading Share on X

It’s a blessing to know that God hasn’t limited storytellers to one genre. He’s made our storytelling abilities as unique as each individual writer. And the stories created are as varied as the writers themselves. That’s a great gift, because it means we can always find the right story for such a time as this. What types of books are currently filling your needs as a reader?

Heather Greer

Heather Greer is a pastor’s wife and a pastor’s kid! She loves using her passion for reading and writing to help others grow their faith. Heather writes contemporary romance and contemporary women’s fiction. She shares devotions on her YouTube channel and loves to bake or watch Doctor Who. Learn more about Heather at her BRRC Author page.

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