Reading Spots and TBRs


by Eva Marie Everson

We all have favorite spots for reading; I’m no exception. But I can read just about anywhere and that includes the car. Unless I’m driving, of course. That said, I used to listen to audiobooks (remember when they were called “books on tape”?) until I blew through a four-way intersection on a red light because I was so immersed in a story by Anita Shreve (All He Ever Wanted). Horns blared, I came out of my stupor, and I swore I wouldn’t listen to audiobooks while driving again.

Thank you, Jesus.

I read devotionals and theological academic-type books, typically at my desk in my office. But not first thing in the morning the way most folks read their devos. First thing in the morning I’m pretty much in a fog, so I begin with a cup of coffee and a good story. I stretch out on the sofa, grip my coffee mug handle, and sip and read for about an hour. Then it’s time to get ready for the day.

I don’t read inside my genre so much but more outside of it. Right now, I’m reading a historical fictionalized account of the life of Elizabeth (Betsey) Hamilton. I own nearly every book by Richard Paul Evans (literally all but one) and, reading his work is my treat. I frequent used bookstores because I believe they give books a second chance at life. I also support our local library’s bookstore because 1) I can purchase books (and some of them classic and old) for $1 and 2) because I like supporting my local library. After all, they support me.

Want the inside scoop on what your favorite authors are reading? Today, in My Reading Life, Eva Marie Everson spills the beans. #BRRC #READING #READING COMMUNITY Share on X

To Be Read…

My TBR piles (all over the house!) are stacked with older works by Shreve, Evans, Joy Felding, as well as those by Tara Conklin, Eugenia Price, Anne Rivers Siddons, Mitch Albom, Philip Gulley (love his work!) and one particular book by Alan Gurganus that I’m waiting for the right time to dive into. I seriously read across the board and, typically, not in genres I write in. I do not like violence, nor do I read sections of books that are suddenly line upon line of sexually explicit material. When it comes to Christian fiction, the list is too long to mention! But I definitely have my favorites!

If you see me on a plane, I’ve probably got my Kindle in my hands—what a wonderful thing! Lots and lots of books to make long trips short and short trips skip right by.

I have friends and relatives who talk about watching this show and that show and they-can’t-miss-it-TV, but not me. Not to say that I never watch TV. I do. But I’m 100% hooked on books. Always have been. God willing, always will be.


Eva Marie   Eva Eva Marie is a CBA best-selling and multiple award-winning author and speaker, including a Christy finalist, a Silver Medallion winner, a Carol, several Maggie and Golden Scroll awards, and an Inspirational Retailers Choice Award. She is one of the original five Word Weavers members, and is now president of Word Weavers International, Inc., which serves writers primarily as a national and international group of critique and educational chapters.

Connect with Eva Marie on her BRRC author page.

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1 Comment

    The Conversation

  1. Toni Stevens says:

    This was very interesting.I feel you are a kindred spirit. I also love reading in a big way and would rather do that than watch tv. I’m not sure what I would do without audible. It’s the best way to clean house. I love finding old used books stores. I wish our library had a bookstore. That’s a fabulous idea. I might suggest it. My motto is one cannot own too many books. My husband threatens to take away my buy now button but I think he has just given in. Lol. I’ve not had the pleasure of reading any of your books. Which would you suggest I start with? I’ll be happy to leave a review as well. Blessings.