Deb Haggerty
Visit Deb's websiteDeb Haggerty is the Publisher of Elk Lake Publishing, Inc., a traditional, royalty-paying publisher that works with its authors in a nontraditional way to “Publish the Positive.” Elk Lake looks for new writers with excellent manuscripts and publishes all genres of Christian fiction and selected nonfiction.
A published author, blogger, and professional speaker, she’s been writing stories for over forty-five years. In 2019, she released two books: Experiencing God’s Love in a Broken World—A Spiritual Journey, co-written with her husband, Roy, and These Are the Days of My Life, a memoir with a bonus section of business tips.
She has spoken throughout the United States and has been on the staff at several writers’ conferences including the Florida Christian Writers’ Conference, the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers’ Conference, the AWSA Conference, Mt. Hermon CWC, Montrose CWC, NCWA Renewal, and Glorieta CWC.
Deb and her husband, Roy, have been married for over thirty-seven years and live in Plymouth, MA.

Experiencing God’s Love in a Broken World—A Spiritual Journey
Experiencing God’s Love in a Broken World—A Spiritual Journey is designed to encourage people who are Christians to know God more intimately and to serve him more effectively. What could be more awesome than being deeply in love with the One who created us for that very purpose? This book provides the basis for study and discussion for one-on-one or small group mentoring. Our hope is you will take the time to meditate on these sections and discover what they mean to you. May the Holy Spirit guide you in your journey.
These are the Days of my Life
What a gift it would be if you or I could find a handbook with all the answers to overcoming all of life’s challenges. Deb Haggerty has come very close to creating just that! Within these pages, you’ll discover the joy of laughing before whining, praying before crying, loving before blaming and embracing before ignoring.
- Positive Grace
- Positive Hope
- Positive Connect