Candy Arrington
Visit Candy's Website- Multi-Genre Author:
- Christian Living
- Christian Personal Growth
- Family Concerns
- Grief
- Practical Life
- Self-Help
Candy Arrington is a writer, blogger, and speaker with over twenty years of writing and publishing experience. She frequently writes on the topics of faith, health, personal growth, and methods for moving through, and beyond, challenging life circumstances. Candy’s publishing credits include three nonfiction books and hundreds of articles and stories in numerous print and online outlets including: Focus on the Family, AriseDaily.com, Inspiration.org, CBN.com, Healthgrades.com, Care.com, NextAvenue.org, CountryLiving.com, and Writer’s Digest. Her blog, Forward Motion, speaks to maintaining a forward-looking perspective despite difficulty and learning from life situations.
Candy gains writing inspiration from vintage photographs, historic architecture, nature, and the application of scripture to everyday life. She enjoys teaching at writing conferences, guiding writers in how to best craft their ideas to experience publishing success.

Life on Pause: Learning to Wait Well
We live in a world of instant information, next-day delivery, and drive-thru dining, so life pauses seem negative. When our plans and pre-arranged schedules are brought to a halt, we’re frustrated. Is waiting ever beneficial? What if pauses ensure protection, provide time for preparation, or develop patience? Waiting may provide an opportunity to rest, reflect, and refresh, and then serve as a catalyst for successfully navigating what lies ahead.
When Your Aging Parent Needs Care: Practical Help for This Season of Life
Caring for aging parents often proves challenging. Declining faculties, emotions, and stubbornness get in the way and make helping and honoring difficult. But the resources and support you need are available to help you cope with this season of life.
Aftershock: Help Hope and Healing in the Wake of Suicide
A suicide death leaves family members and friends shocked, confused, and struggling with unanswered questions. Grief is complicated by guilt, anger, and shame. But there is hope and help to deal with a suicide loss and move forward.